Metro Plus News Canada welcomes panel directing US to review softwood lumber policy

Canada welcomes panel directing US to review softwood lumber policy

Canada welcomed on Thursday a trade dispute panel ruling which said the U.S. should review parts of its policy on softwood lumber which includes duties on most such products exported from its northern neighbor.
The duties are the legacy of a decades-long trade dispute over the structure of Canada’s timber sector that could not be resolved when a quota agreement expired in 2015. U.S. producers say Canada unfairly subsidizes its lumber sector.
The United States has based its tariffs on a finding that Canadian timber harvested from federal and provincial lands with low government-set stumpage fees constitutes an unfair subsidy, while most U.S. timber is harvested from private land at market rates.
On Thursday, the ruling said that it was directing the U.S. to review the treatment of export taxes. The U.S. Commerce Department in July set a duty rate of 7.99% on the product.