Metro Plus News Hungary, Poland rail at EU migration policy as bloc leaders meet

Hungary, Poland rail at EU migration policy as bloc leaders meet

Poland accused Berlin and Brussels of imposing a migration “diktat” on the European Union and Hungary said the bloc was forcing through a deal as EU leaders gathered to tackle the growing number of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa.
The EU summit in the Spanish city of Granada is seeking ways to bring down the number of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe outside of regular border crossings, something Italy, Spain and Germany are especially concerned about.
But the bloc remains at odds about how to share out the task of providing for those who make the journey. A long-stalled deal between member states came together last week despite opposition from populist governments in Poland and Hungary.
Arriving at the talks, Hungary’s anti-immigration leader, Victor Orban, said unanimity on migration was impossible because the EU had left Hungary and Poland out of the deal.