Metro Plus News Palestinian killed during settler assault on West Bank town

Palestinian killed during settler assault on West Bank town

A 19-year-old Palestinian was killed on Friday, Palestinian authorities said, in violence with Israeli settlers who converged on the occupied West Bank town of Huwara after an Israeli family was fired upon in their car there.
However, accounts differed whether the victim was shot by an Israeli settler or by soldiers.
The official Palestinian news agency WAFA, citing what it described as local sources, said a group of settlers entered the town and damaged homes and other property. One of the settlers shot the 19-year-old, who died of his wounds in hospital.
The Israeli military said dozens of settlers and townspeople threw rocks at each other. A Palestinian threw a brick at soldiers and they fired in return.
“A hit was identified,” the military statement said, meaning a person was struck by the soldiers’ gunfire. The statement did not identify the individual.