Metro Plus News UK inquiry starts hearings into Afghan extra-judicial killings’ claims

UK inquiry starts hearings into Afghan extra-judicial killings’ claims

An inquiry investigating allegations that British special forces carried out dozens of extra-judicial killings in Afghanistan a decade ago will begin hearing evidence in public on Monday.
The independent inquiry was ordered by Britain’s defence ministry last December after a BBC TV documentary reported that soldiers from the elite Special Air Service (SAS) had killed 54 people in suspicious circumstances.
It also came after two families, who accuse the SAS of killing their relatives in 2011 and 2012, began legal action to demand judicial reviews of their cases.
“Our clients hope that the opening of this inquiry marks the end of ‘the wall of silence’ and obstruction that has confronted them over the last decade,” said Tessa Gregory from law firm Leigh Day which is representing families of 29 people who were killed.