Metro Plus News Many killed in artillery strike in northern Myanmar

Many killed in artillery strike in northern Myanmar

Many people have been killed in an artillery strike at a camp for internally displaced people in Myanmar’s Kachin State, among them women, children and the elderly, local media, an activist and sources in the area said on Tuesday.
Reuters could not immediately verify the reports, which included what they said were images of the aftermath of the incident.
Myanmar has been embroiled in conflict in multiple regions of the country, as ethnic minority armies and a resistance movement battle against military rule and a fierce crackdown by the junta after a 2021 coup.
The Kachin media and local sources said the incident took place close to midnight on Monday, a few kilometres from a military camp run by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which is in conflict with Myanmar’s ruling military.
The KIA could not immediately be reached for confirmation.