Metro Plus News Armenian leader says plans proceeding for meeting with Azerbaijan’s president

Armenian leader says plans proceeding for meeting with Azerbaijan’s president

Armenia’s prime minister said on Tuesday that plans were proceeding for a meeting with the president of Azerbaijan to discuss a durable peace accord, after Azeri forces took control of the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh last month.
In comments reported by Russian news agencies, Nikol Pashinyan also told Armenian television that tensions had subsided on the border between the two ex-Soviet states.
Armenia, he said, was willing to resolve outstanding issues, like opening transport corridors across each other’s territory.
Pashinyan and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev have held a series of meetings – arranged in turn by Russia, the European Union or the United States – with the aim of resolving disputes over Nagorno-Karabakh, the object of two wars in 30 years between the neighbours.