Metro Plus News China says will work to restore peace in Palestinian territories

China says will work to restore peace in Palestinian territories

China will do its utmost to restore peace in the Palestinian territories as it takes over the presidency of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC), its foreign ministry said on Monday, as tensions intensify in the Middle East.
Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a regular news conference, “China will do its utmost to encourage the Security Council to fulfil its responsibilities, play its role, build consensus and take responsible and meaningful actions as soon as possible to ease the current crisis and safeguard the safety of civilians in order to restore peace.”
China’s statement comes as Israel ratchets up its military offensive against the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.
China took over the rotating presidency of the UNSC last week.
According to state media, the conflict in the Middle East tops the Security Council’s agenda in November, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN.