Metro Plus News India pigeon pea imports from top supplier Mozambique delayed, lifting prices

India pigeon pea imports from top supplier Mozambique delayed, lifting prices

At least 150,000 metric tons of pigeon peas bound for India are held up at ports in Mozambique awaiting export permission from customs despite multiple requests from sellers over the past few weeks, five industry officials said on Wednesday.
India, the world’s biggest producer and consumer of pigeon peas, relies on imports during the final quarter of the year before the new crop harvest in January. Over half of India’s imports of pigeon peas are sourced from Mozambique.
The delay in shipments has pushed up prices of the protein-rich staple, known in India as arhar or tur, used to make daal curry in the peak-consumption festive season.
The delay has lifted wholesale prices in India by nearly 10% in two months as stocks diminish during the lean supply season, adding to food inflation ahead of state elections this month and national polls due early next year.
However, a few exporters have obtained export permits, allowing them to ship 50,000 tons of pigeon pea to India, traders said.