Metro Plus News Indonesia hosts regional defence chiefs amid multiple global crises

Indonesia hosts regional defence chiefs amid multiple global crises

Southeast Asian defence ministers will meet in Indonesia alongside key players in the Indo-Pacific this week, with the ASEAN bloc set to reinforce a message of centrality as major powers jostle for influence in the region.
The annual get-together, which starts on Wednesday, comes as conflict rages in the Middle East and Ukraine and as tensions ratchet up in disputed waters in the South China Sea, where China is being accused of aggression against the Philippines, which has U.S. backing and seeks to boost its military ties with
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) chair Indonesia has yet to confirm attendees, but among them is U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who will meet ASEAN counterparts on Wednesday.
The talks will expand on Thursday to include Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, New Zealand and Australia.
ASEAN, a region of about 660 million people with a combined gross domestic product of more than $3.2 trillion, has for years been courted by Washington and Beijing, but their fierce rivalry has caused its members concern.