Metro Plus News Israel to allow some fuel into Gaza after US push

Israel to allow some fuel into Gaza after US push

Israel’s war cabinet has agreed to allow 140,000 liters (369,850 gallons) of fuel into Gaza every two days after a request from Washington, amid acute shortages that threatened aid deliveries and communications in the besieged strip, Israel and U.S. officials said on Friday.
Israel imposed a strict blockade on all goods entering Hamas-controlled Gaza when it launched a military campaign in response to the Palestinian militant group’s Oct. 7 rampage, in which they killed 1,200 people and took 240 hostages.
Israel has since agreed to allow in aid trucks after stringent inspections, and a small amount of fuel was allowed in on Wednesday to keep United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) aid delivery trucks moving.
An Israeli official who declined to be identified said two trucks a day would be allowed in to meet the U.N.’s needs, but said the amount would give “minimal” support for water, sewage and sanitary systems in Gaza to prevent pandemics.