Metro Plus News Hungary needs to change the EU, not leave it, Orban says

Hungary needs to change the EU, not leave it, Orban says

Hungary must say no to the current Europe model built in Brussels, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told a congress of his Fidesz party on Saturday, adding
that the European Union needs to be changed rather than ditched.
Orban again reiterated his government’s opposition to starting talks with Ukraine about its accession to the EU.
“Correcting the mistaken promise (by Brussels) to start talks (with Ukraine about EU membership) will also be our task, as Ukraine is light years away from the EU now,” Orban said, adding that he would fight off attempts by the EU to settle migrants in Hungary.
Orban, who has been locked in a dispute with Brussels over EU funds frozen because of his government’s democratic backsliding, this week said the EU’s strategy of sending money and military aid to Ukraine had failed, and that he opposed starting membership negotiations with Kyiv.