Metro Plus News US ready to ‘pause’ sanctions relief for Venezuela unless progress seen

US ready to ‘pause’ sanctions relief for Venezuela unless progress seen

The White House said on Friday it was prepared to “pause” sanctions relief for OPEC member Venezuela in coming days unless there is further progress
on the release of Venezuelan political prisoners and “wrongfully detained” Americans.
Speaking after a deadline for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to meet certain commitments, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said the U.S. welcomed an announcement on Thursday that opposition presidential candidates barred from public office would be able to appeal to Venezuela’s highest court.
But he said the Venezuelan government needed to do more or else Venezuela would risk a U.S. freeze on relaxed sanctions unveiled in mid-October in response to a deal between Maduro and the country’s opposition on holding a 2024 presidential election.
Any “snapback” of partially lifted U.S. sanctions would mark a major shift from President Joe Biden’s new approach toward Venezuela.