Metro Plus News Congo presidential hopeful Fayulu fuelled by 2018 loss

Congo presidential hopeful Fayulu fuelled by 2018 loss

Congolese presidential candidate Martin Fayulu has a blunt message for voters: The 2018 election was stolen from him and he is back to fight for the top job he believes is rightfully his.
Fayulu, 67, a former oil executive and leader of the Engagement for Citizenship and Development party, came second to President Felix Tshisekedi in 2018. But Fayulu claims he won with over 62% of the vote and challenged the results in court.
The perceived injustice has fuelled Fayulu’s campaign for Democratic Republic of Congo’s Dec. 20 presidential election, which follows what he describes as five years of corruption, incompetence and insecurity under Tshisekedi.
He promises to end graft, which is rife in the Central African country of around 95 million people, create a stronger, well-paid army to fight insurgents who have created a humanitarian crisis in the east, and improve basic services like water, electricity and healthcare.