Metro Plus News More than $2.2 bln promised for global refugee crisis at UN forum

More than $2.2 bln promised for global refugee crisis at UN forum

Countries and businesses at a major U.N. forum pledged more than $2.2 billion towards a global displacement crisis and promised jobs for tens of thousands of refugees in an outcome the United Nations chief said would help “stem the tide of misery”.
Thousands of people from aid agencies, businesses and civil society as well as refugees joined the Geneva event as the number of displaced people globally surpasses a record 114 million amid conflict, poverty and climate change.
U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Filippo Grandi said he was pleased and proud of the outcome that comes as the U.N. agency faces severe funding shortfalls and tries to counter a burgeoning Western narrative that casts refugees as a threat.
“This work is so necessary for the world as you know continues to confront deeply troubling times,” he told the forum in closing remarks. “The state of the world requires a reboot of humanity and energy to meet the challenges before us, including that of forced displacement.”