Metro Plus News Italy ready to invest in Africa to tackle energy, migration

Italy ready to invest in Africa to tackle energy, migration

Italy is ready to invest in Africa both to get the energy needed for economic growth but also to tackle migration flows, Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi said on Saturday.
State-controlled Eni, Italy’s largest importer of natural gas, last year countered lower Russian supplies by shipping increased volumes from Africa, where it has had a presence for decades.
Stronger ties between Italy and the continent could bring mutual benefits, Descalzi said, noting China had been present in Africa for the last 30 years to get oil, gas and critical materials.
“Italy is ready to invest in Africa … this is also a necessity because energy is now flowing from south to north and we need to be the ones guiding this flow for our sake and for Africa’s sake,” Descalzi said, speaking at a political event in Rome organised by the party of Prime Minister Georgia Meloni.