Metro Plus News UK’s Sunak warns asylum seekers could ‘overwhelm’ parts of Europe

UK’s Sunak warns asylum seekers could ‘overwhelm’ parts of Europe

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Saturday that he would push for global reforms to the asylum system and warned the threat of growing number of
refugees could “overwhelm” parts of Europe.
In a speech in Italy, Sunak made some of his strongest criticisms of the global asylum system as he tries to revive his government’s plans to send refugees to live in Rwanda.
Sunak made the comments at a political festival organised by the party of his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni, where he warned that some “enemies” were deliberately “driving people to our shores to try and destabilise our societies”.
“If we do not tackle this problem, the numbers will only grow. It will overwhelm our countries and our capacity to help those who actually need our help the most,” Sunak said.