Metro Plus News Philippine actions in South China Sea ‘extremely dangerous’

Philippine actions in South China Sea ‘extremely dangerous’

Chinese state media accused the Philippines on Monday of repeatedly infringing on China’s territory in the South China Sea, spreading false information and colluding with extraterritorial forces to cause trouble.
The Philippines has relied on U.S. support to continually provoke China, with such “extremely dangerous” behaviour seriously harming regional peace and stability, China’s Communist Party mouthpiece, the People’s Daily, wrote in a commentary on Monday.
The Philippines foreign ministry and a national task force handling the South China Sea did not immediately respond on Christmas Day to requests for comment on the report.
Tensions between Beijing and Manila have heightened in recent months as both sides trade accusations over a spate of run-ins in the South China Sea, including charges that China rammed a ship this month carrying the Philippine armed forces chief of staff.