Metro Plus News North Korea’s Kim convenes key party meeting ahead of new year

North Korea’s Kim convenes key party meeting ahead of new year

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has kicked off a key meeting of the country’s ruling party, state media KCNA reported on Wednesday, setting the stage for
unveiling policy decisions for the new year.
The ninth Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea wraps up a year during which the isolated country enshrined nuclear policy in its constitution, successfully launched a spy satellite and fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
The days-long assembly of the party and government officials has been used in recent years to make key policy announcements. Previously, state media released Kim’s speech on New Year’s Day.
On the first day of the meeting on Tuesday, participants discussed six major agenda items, including this year’s policy and budget implementation, a draft budget for 2024 and ways to bolster the party’s leadership, KCNA said.
Kim “defined 2023 as a year of great turn and great change,” lauding progress in all areas including the military, economy, science and public health despite some “deviations,” it said.