Metro Plus News Taiwan president says ties with China must be decided by will of the people

Taiwan president says ties with China must be decided by will of the people

Taiwan’s relations with China must be decided by the will of the people and peace must be based on “dignity”, President Tsai Ing-wen said on Monday after
China’s leader Xi Jinping said “reunification” with the island is inevitable.
China has been ramping up military pressure to assert its sovereignty claims over democratically governed Taiwan, which on Jan. 13 holds presidential and parliamentary elections.
Xi’s comments, in a New Year’s Eve address, struck a stronger tone than the previous year where he said only that people on either side of the Taiwan Strait are “members of one and the same family”.
Asked about Xi’s speech at a New Year’s press conference at the presidential office in Taipei, Tsai said the most important principle on what course to follow on relations with China was democracy.