Metro Plus News Britain to invest 300 million pounds in next-generation nuclear fuel programme

Britain to invest 300 million pounds in next-generation nuclear fuel programme

Britain said it plans to spend 300 million pounds ($380 million) on a new programme to produce advanced nuclear fuel suitable for the next generation of power-generating reactors, seeking to dislodge Russia as the main international supplier.
Britain was one of over 20 countries – including the United States, France and South Korea – that recently signed a pledge to triple global nuclear capacity by 2050 as part of international efforts to cut climate-damaging carbon emissions.
On Sunday, Britain said its new investment would help support domestic production of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) – a type of fuel currently only produced on a commercial scale by Russia.
Like other European nations, it has sought to cut its energy reliance on Russia since President Vladimir Putin’s forces invaded Ukraine in February 2022.