Metro Plus News 2 terrorists killed in SE Iran

2 terrorists killed in SE Iran

Two terrorists were killed in an explosion in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, the official news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.
The two armed terrorists were killed when the explosives that they carried were detonated during the fighting, the IRNA quoted provincial police chief Doostali Jalilian as saying.
The two militants, who were affiliated with a terrorist group in Saravan County, had entered the country through the southeastern border, Jalilian said.
Sistan and Baluchistan Deputy Governor for Security and Law Enforcement Alireza Marhamati said they were found seeking to carry out a “sabotage” act in Saravan County.
Saeid Montazerolmahdi, spokesman of Iran’s police, said the two terrorists sought to carry out “suicide operations” in the country.
Bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Sistan and Baluchestan province has witnessed several terrorist attacks on both civilians and security forces over the past years.