Metro Plus News British PM Sunak faces parliamentary showdown over Rwanda legislation

British PM Sunak faces parliamentary showdown over Rwanda legislation

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces a parliamentary showdown with right-wing lawmakers in his party this week as his legislation to block legal challenges to the plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda returns to parliament.
The British government is trying to reduce a surge in asylum seekers who make the dangerous crossing in small boats from France to the southern coast of England.
Most of those arriving in the boats say they are fleeing wars and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. But the British government says about 90% making the journey are men and many of them economic migrants rather than genuine refugees.
Sunak faced the most serious threat to his leadership last month when he saw off a threatened revolt by dozens of his lawmakers during the first parliamentary vote on the draft legislation.
The government comfortably won that vote after some lawmakers decided to abstain rather than rebel, but the rebels warned that they could vote down the legislation at later stages of the parliamentary process unless the bill was changed.