Metro Plus News Generals among Iran Guards killed in Israeli strike on Damascus

Generals among Iran Guards killed in Israeli strike on Damascus

Three Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers killed in an Israeli strike that flattened a building in Damascus on Saturday were described in Iranian state media with an honorific used only for generals, suggesting the targets were senior commanders.
Tehran vowed on Saturday to take revenge on Israel after the strike which it said killed five Guards and an unspecified number of Syrian troops.
Ambulances and fire trucks gathered around the site of the strike, which had been cordoned off, a Reuters journalist at the scene said. Rescue operations for people stuck under the rubble continued through the day. A crane was in place to hoist concrete slabs off the wreckage.
A security source in a network of groups close to Syria’s government and its ally Iran told Reuters the multi-storey building was used by Iranian advisers supporting President Bashar al-Assad’s government. It was completely flattened by “precision-targeted Israeli missiles”, the source said.
Portraits of the five Revolutionary Guards carried on Iranian state media referred to three of them with an honorific used for generals, while the others were a major and someone holding a lower rank. The security source said one of the generals was head of information for the elite force.