Metro Plus News Jordan condemns ‘terrorist attack’ on post at Syria border

Jordan condemns ‘terrorist attack’ on post at Syria border

Jordan condemned on Sunday the “terrorist attack” on a military advance post just inside its border with Syria that killed three U.S. military members and injured dozens.
In the first official statement on the attack, staunch U.S. ally Jordan said it was working with Washington to fight terrorism. Earlier, a government spokesperson had said the attack was on a U.S. base in Syria adjacent to the border but not on Jordanian soil.
A senior Jordanian security source told Reuters that Jordan had recently appealed for more advanced U.S. defence hardware and support because of worries Iran and its proxies could become embroiled more deeply in any wider Middle East conflagration.
Jordan has recently alerted Washington to the urgent need to bolster its defences against Iranian-backed militias building up their strength on Jordan’s borders with Iraq and Syria, the official said.