Metro Plus News Chile’s capital faces heat wave, experts warn of more to come

Chile’s capital faces heat wave, experts warn of more to come

Chile’s capital and other regions are facing a heat wave, as meteorologists warn that extremely hot weather will become increasingly frequent in the country’s austral summer.
Over six million inhabitants of Chile’s capital Santiago have been enduring days of hot, dry temperatures made worse by the surrounding mountains blocking fresh hair to the city.
“The heat is very dense, you can’t be on the street,” student Marcela Rodriguez told Reuters. “Two minutes outside and you’ll end up fainting.”
Chile’s climate agency officially declares a heat wave when temperatures stay above 33 degrees Celsius (91.4°F) for three consecutive days, agency official Andres Moncada said, adding that Friday and Saturday should see temperatures around 36-37 C.
The South American county’s climate service office had already predicted a hot summer, in large part due to the cyclical El Nino weather phenomenon, which warms the Pacific Ocean.