Metro Plus News Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 strikes Mindanao, Philippines

Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 strikes Mindanao, Philippines

A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck Mindanao, Philippines, on Saturday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences said.
The quake was 10 km deep, GFZ said.
The Philippine seismology agency had a different reading, saying it was a magnitude 5.9 earthquake with a depth of 27 km. The Philippine agency also said in a bulletin it was expecting no damage, but that there could be aftershocks.
Rescue workers searching for dozens of missing people in an earlier landslide in Maco town in the southern Philippines province of Davao de Oro had to stop their operations because of the earthquake.
The death toll from the landslide, which happened on Tuesday night outside a gold mining site, has reached 28, with 77 still missing and 32 injured, including a 3-year-old girl rescued on Friday after 60 hours under rubble.