Metro Plus News China trying to ‘normalise’ military drills near Taiwan

China trying to ‘normalise’ military drills near Taiwan

Taiwan’s top security official told parliament on Monday that China runs “joint combat readiness patrols” near the democratic island every 7-10 days on average, saying Chinese forces were trying to “normalise” drills near Taiwan.
China has in recent years stepped up military activities near Taiwan, with almost daily incursions into the island’s air defence identification zones and regular “combat readiness patrols” that included drills by its air and naval forces.
China claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, over the island’s strong objections.
Taiwan National Security Bureau Director-General Tsai Ming-yen said Beijing usually dispatches around 10 warplanes and 3 to 4 naval ships on joint patrols near Taiwan, calling them part of a “multi-front” effort that also includes economic coercions and misinformation campaign to pressure the island.
“They are tying to normalise their military activities,” Tsai said, adding that the patrols were occasionally timed to coincide with diplomatic events such as visits to the island by foreign lawmakers.