Metro Plus News Nigeria defence chief says bad intel hinders fight on kidnappings

Nigeria defence chief says bad intel hinders fight on kidnappings

Nigeria’s Defence Chief General Chris Musa said on Monday the military was being fed bad intelligence by informants, hampering the fight against armed
kidnapping gangs who continue to abduct students and residents in the north of the country.
The military announced on Sunday that it had rescued 137 students abducted by gunmen earlier this month in northwestern Kaduna state. The school children arrived in Kaduna on Monday.
Musa told Reuters that the military was too stretched and often relied on informants to pursue the armed gangs, known locally as bandits, often with little success.
“They (informants) make the troops go elsewhere and when they get there, they meet nothing and allow the bandits to commit acts of criminality,” said Musa.
Musa said there had been no confrontation with gunmen during the rescue of the Kaduna students. But he would not say how the students were freed or if any of the gunmen were taken into custody.