Metro Plus News Dutch court hears Shell’s appeal against landmark climate ruling

Dutch court hears Shell’s appeal against landmark climate ruling

A Dutch court will on Tuesday hear Shell’s appeal against a landmark climate ruling which ordered it to drastically deepen planned greenhouse gas emission cuts.
The district court in The Hague in 2021 ordered the oil and gas giant to reduce its planet warming carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels.
The order related both to Shell’s own emissions and those caused by the buyers and users of its products. It came amid rising pressure on energy companies from investors, activists and governments to shift away from fossil fuels and rapidly ramp up investment in renewables.
Shell has argued that the order lacks a legal base and says companies cannot be held responsible for the emissions of their clients.
“We agree that the world needs urgent climate action, but we have a different view in how that goal should be achieved,” the company said in a statement on its website.