Metro Plus News Judge warns Giuliani about ‘pyrrhic’ victory in Florida condo dispute

Judge warns Giuliani about ‘pyrrhic’ victory in Florida condo dispute

A U.S. bankruptcy judge said Thursday that Rudy Giuliani could be headed for a “pyrrhic victory” in a dispute over whether he should sell his $3.5 million Florida condo.
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane said at a court hearing in White Plains, New York, that he would not immediately rule on creditors’ attempt to force Giuliani, who is Republican former President Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer, to list the property for sale, and he encouraged Giuliani and the creditors to work out a compromise.
Lane warned that creditors may escalate their efforts to control Giuliani’s bankruptcy if their current request is denied, describing that as a possible pyrrhic victory in which someone wins a battle but loses a war.
“The debtor may succeed in fending off this motion, only to be faced with far more draconian requests for relief in the future,” Lane said.