Metro Plus News Armenia asks World Court to pursue ethnic cleansing case against Azerbaijan

Armenia asks World Court to pursue ethnic cleansing case against Azerbaijan

Armenia on Tuesday urged
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hold Azerbaijan
responsible for what it said was the ethnic cleansing of
Armenians from the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
“After threatening to do so for years, Azerbaijan has
completed the ethnic cleansing of the region and is now
systematically erasing all traces of ethnic Armenians’
presence,” Armenia’s representative, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, said
on the second day of hearings at the U.N.’s top court.
The case is part of the fallout from decades of
confrontation between the South Caucasus neighbours, most
explosively over the disputed region in Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan’s armed forces recaptured the mountainous region
in September after years of ethnic Armenian control, prompting
most ethnic Armenians to flee to Armenia.