Metro Plus News US and South Korea to meet on American troop costs this week

US and South Korea to meet on American troop costs this week

U.S. and South Korean officials will meet in Hawaii this week for talks on sharing the cost of keeping American troops in South Korea, with the U.S. seeking “a fair and equitable outcome” that will strengthen the alliance, the U.S. State Department said on Monday.
The two sides named envoys last month to launch early talks for a new deal to take effect in 2026. South Korean media said the aim was for an agreement before any November election comeback by former President Donald Trump, who during his presidency accused Seoul of “free-riding” on U.S. military
The State Department said the first meeting on the so-called 12th ROK-U.S. Special Measures Agreement would be held in Honolulu from Tuesday to Thursday.
The delegations would be led by the U.S. lead negotiator for security agreements Linda Specht and South Korea’s representative for defense burden sharing Lee Tae-woo.