Metro Plus News US Homeland Security names AI safety, security advisory board

US Homeland Security names AI safety, security advisory board

The U.S. Homeland Security Department (DHS) on Friday announced a blue-ribbon board that includes the CEOs of OpenAI, Microsoft, Google parent
Alphabet and Nvidia that will advise the government on the role of artificial intelligence on critical infrastructure.
The board will develop recommendations for the transportation sector, pipeline and power grid operators, internet service providers and others to “prevent and prepare for AI-related disruptions to critical services that impact national or economic security, public health, or safety.”
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters the board would help ensure the safe deployment of AI technology and how to address threats posed by this technology to vital services like energy, utilities, transportation, defense, information technology, food and agriculture, and financial services.
“It is not a board that will be focused on theory, but rather practical solutions for the implementation of AI in our nation’s daily life,” Mayorkas told reporters. “It was very important to bring key developers of this extraordinary powerful tool” to the board.