Metro Plus News Yemen’s Houthis to release 100 prisoners on Saturday

Yemen’s Houthis to release 100 prisoners on Saturday

The head of the Houthi Prisoner Affairs Committee, Abdul Qader al-Murtada, said the Iran-backed movement would release 100 prisoners on Saturday
belonging to Yemen’s government forces.
A decision was issued by the leader of the Houthi movement, Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din al-Houthi, Murtada said on Friday.
Yemen’s Houthis last released prisoners in April 2023 in an exchange of 250 Houthis for 70 members of Yemen’s government forces.
“Tomorrow we will implement a unilateral humanitarian initiative in which we will release more than 100 prisoners,” Murtada said in a statement.
Yemen’s conflict, which has killed tens of thousands of people and left millions hungry, has widely been seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.