Metro Plus News Germany to keep military base in Niger open under temporary deal

Germany to keep military base in Niger open under temporary deal

Germany will keep its military air transport hub in Niger’s capital Niamey open for now, the defence ministry in Berlin said late on Tuesday, shortly after the European Union announced it would end its military mission in the country by June 30.
Berlin has some 90 troops based in Niamey at the moment.
Until a coup in 2023, Niger had been a partner of the West in Africa’s Sahel region against militants who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.
However, the military rulers have pushed former colonial power France to remove its forces and agreed on the withdrawal of American troops, while deepening ties with Russia.
“Germany and Niger have struck a temporary agreement allowing for the continued presence of German forces in Niger,” the German defence ministry said in a statement, adding that this would enable Berlin to keep the base open beyond May 31 for now.