Metro Plus News EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally

EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally

The next European Parliament should copy the current Italian model of government, drawing together all parties on the right of the political spectrum to
rule together, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Saturday.
Addressing her only campaign rally ahead of a June 6-9 vote across the European Union, Meloni said the 27-nation bloc needed to rein in its regulatory ambitions and interfere less in the lives of its citizens.
Meloni, head of the rightist Brothers of Italy party, is one of Europe’s most closely watched leaders, presenting herself as a bridge between the mainstream centre-right and her own arch-conservative camp, which was previously shunned.
Opinion polls suggest that groups around the political centre — the centre-right, centre-left, Greens and Liberals — will be able to form another majority in the next EU parliament, which decides on laws that drive policy in the bloc.
But Meloni, who leads a coalition in Italy that unites centrist and far-right parties, said she wanted to see this replicated at a European level to foster a conservative agenda.