Metro Plus News Mediator Qatar urges clear positions for Gaza ceasefire

Mediator Qatar urges clear positions for Gaza ceasefire

Qatar, which has been mediating on Gaza between Israel and Hamas, stressed on Tuesday that there should be a clear position from both parties to reach a ceasefire deal.
“We are waiting for a clear Israeli position that represents the entire government in response to the U.S.’s Gaza proposal,” said Qatari foreign ministry spokesperson Majed Al-Ansari.
“The ceasefire deal should immediately end the long suffering of all people in Gaza and the hostages and their families and provide a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the crisis”, Al-Ansari said.
Qatar said that it is still waiting to reach language that is agreed by both parties.
U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday laid out a three-phase ceasefire proposal from Israel to Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to end the war in Gaza that has killed tens of thousands and caused a humanitarian crisis.