Metro Plus News As Trump narrows VP search, his short list is nearly all men

As Trump narrows VP search, his short list is nearly all men

When the topic of Donald Trump’s potential running mate arose at a Manhattan fundraiser last week, the Republican presidential candidate gave high marks to contenders including North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and U.S. Senator Tim Scott.
Some of the wealthy donors said Trump should select former primary rival Nikki Haley as his No. 2. Ties between the two had soured over her having challenged him, but she had served as his loyal U.N. ambassador for two years while he was president.
Trump, 77, largely dismissed the idea and suggested the group move on, said two donors familiar with the interaction.
Trump’s standing with that important voting bloc was further muddled by his conviction last week in a New York trial where he was accused of covering up a payment meant to influence the 2016 election by silencing a porn star who alleged they had sex while he was married – a liaison he denies.