Metro Plus News US envoy warns Hungary that close ties with China ‘come with strings attached’

US envoy warns Hungary that close ties with China ‘come with strings attached’

The U.S. envoy to Budapest sharply criticised the Hungarian government on Tuesday for close political and business relations with China that often “come
with strings attached, and the interest is often paid in sovereignty.”
In a speech to U.S. companies that have invested in Hungary, at the American Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador David Pressman slammed Hungary for doing business with China based on non-transparent contracts “rife with corruption.”
He also criticised nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government for allowing Chinese workers into Hungary and for a security cooperation between the two countries that allows for the presence of Chinese police officers in Hungary.
Pressmann said the United States also does business with China, but “transparently, based on clear rules, and with due concern for the security interests of our Allies.”
Relations between Budapest and Washington have soured because of Hungary’s foot-dragging over the ratification of Sweden’s NATO accession – finally passed by Budapest in February – and also over Orban’s warm ties with Moscow despite the war in Ukraine.