Metro Plus News Kremlin says report that Ukraine is reinforcing Belarus border is a worry

Kremlin says report that Ukraine is reinforcing Belarus border is a worry

The Kremlin said on Monday that a Belarusian military report that Ukraine had been moving more troops, weapons and military equipment into its northern
Zhytomyr region, which borders Belarus, was a cause for concern.
The Belarusian Defence Ministry alleged that Ukraine was building up its forces on Saturday.
A spokesman for Ukraine’s border guard service said on Monday that such statements were part of a Russian-supported “information operation” and that Kyiv kept forces near the border with Belarus to prevent any provocations.
When asked about the Belarusian build-up claim, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reminded reporters on Monday that Belarus was part of a union state with Russia and that dialogue between Moscow and Minsk, including between their intelligence agencies, was close.