Metro Plus News China says US targeting of AI not helpful to healthy development

China says US targeting of AI not helpful to healthy development

U.S. targeting of certain investments in artificial intelligence in China is not helpful to the “healthy development” of AI technology and will be divisive when it comes to global governance, China’s U.N. envoy said on Monday.
The United States last month issued draft rules for banning or requiring notification of certain investments in artificial intelligence and other technology sectors in China that could threaten U.S. national security.
“We are firmly opposed to these sanctions,” Chinese U.N. Ambassador Fu Cong told reporters after the 193-member U.N. General Assembly adopted by consensus a Chinese-drafted resolution aimed at boosting international cooperation on AI capacity-building.
The U.N resolution calls upon the international community to “provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment across the life cycle of safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems.”
Fu said the U.S. actions do not foster an inclusive business environment and he urged Washington to reverse its decision.