Metro Plus News A Cambodian court convicts activists for teaching about class differences,

A Cambodian court convicts activists for teaching about class differences,

A court in Cambodia on Monday convicted four land rights activists of plotting to provoke a peasant revolution by teaching farmers about class divisions and gave them five-year suspended prison terms.
The four – a president of the Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community, and three of his colleagues were arrested and charged in May last year by the Ratanakiri provincial court in northeastern Cambodia. T
hey were charged with plotting against the state and incitement to commit a felony for allegedly teaching about the class differences between rich and poor.
The arrests took place ahead of last July’s general election that critics said was manipulated to ensure the return to power of the governing Cambodian People’s Party of the then-Prime Minister Hun Sen, who led the country for 38 years with little tolerance for dissent.
His son, Hun Manet, took over as prime minister in August.